Domestic Staff FAQ

Got questions? We've got answers.

For general information of use to all applicants, please click here
For information specific to overseas applicants, please click here

How and when does EA pay salaries?

A: EA will transfer your salary payment to your Japanese bank account on the 15th day of the month following work. For example, for work done between July 1 and July 31, you will be paid on August 15.

How will I be taxed while working for EA?

A: EA will deduct income tax from your salary. Your taxation rate will change whether you are considered a resident or a non-resident of Japan. Below is a summary of the two statuses. If you wish to know more about taxation in Japan, please refer to the National Tax Agency for more details.

  • Residents: Income Tax Rate = Approximately 1-3% of your daily rate
  • * Who is considered a resident?
    - Someone who has a domicile in Japan, OR
    - Has a residence in Japan continuously for one year or more

  • Non-Residents: Income tax rate = 20.42% of your daily rate
  • * Who is considered a non-resident?
    - Working Holiday Visa holder
    - Someone who has a residence in Japan continuously for less than one year
    - Japanese citizen who has been abroad for over a year

I don't have a Japanese bank account. How can I receive my salary from EA?

A: Unfortunately, EA is only able to transfer salaries directly to Japanese domestic bank accounts. If you have a visa that allows you to work in Japan, there is nothing to prevent you from opening a no-fee bank account at any number of financial institutions.

Still have questions? Contact us here.

English Adventure's sister organization, NPO Mirai no Mori, creates life-changing outdoor experiences for abused, neglected, and orphaned Japanese children. Learn more about how you can help.