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Table of Contents
English Levels and Programs
Please view our program comparison on this page to guide your choice. If you still have questions about your child’s specific situation, please feel free to contact us.
If your child is comfortable conversing in only English at a basic level, 24/7, the Immersion Program is right for her. If this sounds too difficult, please choose either the Challenge or Challenge Plus Program.
A. Many returnee kids become “rusty” when they are not in an English environment all the time. However, as long as they are willing to try and speak only English, we recommend the Immersion Program. You may be surprised at the improvement at fluency after camp!
A. Please register for the Immersion Program. While reading and writing are important skills, our camps are not reading- and writing-intensive. If your child can basically converse in English, we’ll help him/her with any gaps they may have in their skills.
A. Please register for the Challenge Program.
Just being at camp, your child will get an ‘English shower’, don’t worry. But she will actually learn more English in the Challenge Program. Also, we do promise parents that the Immersion Program is an all-English environment. Please assist us by registering for the program that best fits your child’s current abilities.
A. We do not allow campers to bring cell phones to camp. Outside of emergency situations we also do not allow campers to use camp phones to contact parents.
If they would like to take pictures during camp, we encourage them to bring a camera. We feel this is the best way for campers to focus on the activities they are participating in and get the full experience of camp without any distractions. Cell phones/smartphones will be confiscated.
A. Outside of emergencies, we do not allow parents to contact campers or staff during camp - we believe this distance from home plays an important part in fostering campers' independence and creating the magic of camp. During camp, our campsite staff is focused on ensuring the safety of your children and making camp an enjoyable place - so please understand that we may only respond to emergency inquiries.
- Please refrain from making non-emergency inquiries, for example: "How is my child doing? Is he/she having fun? My child doesn't look happy in this photo, are they ok?"
- You may not hear from us immediately if we consider the case non-urgent.
- If there were any incidents including serious injuries or illnesses, we will contact you immediately at your registered email address or phone number.
- We may also contact you to clarify any details about your child's medical or dietary needs.
Here is how best to contact us:
Weekday 10:00AM - 5:00PM (excepts Japanese Public Holidays)
English Adventure Customer Support
Weekend, Public holidays, Outside of office hours (Weekday 5PM-10:00AM)
Campsite email address
Camp Preparation
A. We will send you a Camp Guidebook to your registered e-mail address about one month before camp, which contains detailed information on what to bring and other information for camp.
A. Campers do not need to bring money. We will supply everything they need during camp. Please do not send any money with your children.
Health and Safety
A. Yes, please let us know on the registration form. At the check-in point, we will collect your child’s medication, and ensure that he/she takes it as directed. If medicines or creams require refrigeration, we can arrange this.
If your child can manage his/her own medication, that is also fine.
A. We will do our best and can almost always accommodate your child’s needs. Please don’t forget to let us know at the time you register, so we can consult with you and make any advance preparation needed.
A. Panorama GK, the organizer of English Adventure camps, contracts with Ryoko Jigyosha Kyosaikai and purchases a domestic travel mutual-aid insurance for every camper residing in or out of Japan. This insurance policy covers campers from check-in until check-out and includes special compensation for hospital visits and stays, personal effects compensation, and personal liability compensation.
A. For anything beyond a minor issue, we will contact you as quickly as possible. In the case of mild injury or illness, we will provide appropriate care on site and continue to carefully monitor your child’s condition. In the event that medical attention is required, we will take your child to the nearest appropriate facility, and of course will communicate closely with you.
If your child cannot continue to participate in camp, or poses an infection risk to others, we may ask you to pick him/her up from camp.
A. No. Over many years and many hundreds of campers, we have had zero serious incidents. Our staff are trained in risk management and take this matter very seriously.
Of course, because we are running, playing, and exploring the outdoors, we do encounter plenty of scraped knees, bumps, and so on. To us, this means that kids are playing hard, testing their limits, and ultimately learning for themselves how to be safe—critical elements of healthy development. But when your child needs care, our Team Leaders are all trained in first aid, and will take care of your child just as you would.
Account Management
A. Please check your email settings, especially if you have registered your mobile phone address and make sure you can receive emails from "”.
We sometimes hear from parents who have not received e-mails we’ve sent. Most of the time this can be resolved by changing your e-mail settings. In particular, those who are using the e-mail service provided by their mobile phone company will need to check their settings to make sure our e-mails will not be blocked. Those using Gmail also sometimes have problems, as our e-mails get grouped under the “Promotions” tab. Please check there if you are not receiving our messages.